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“Can we bring some of the children here?”

The year was 1998, and John had just returned home after his first visit to Cambodia. Story after story spilled from his mouth as he attempted to describe his trip to Linda. He told of unimaginable poverty, the destruction of the country due to years of war, and the chaos that marked Cambodia’s entire infrastructure.  Yet he seemed most overcome by the needs of the children.  Linda had asked her question, and John’s answer was a simple, “No…we can’t bring them here.  If you want to help them, we’ll have to go there.”

“Go there.”  The words echoed with the finality of a door slamming shut.  Linda had just given birth to our family’s 9th child.  Another of our children was permanently disabled.  How could a family like ours even think of going on the mission field?  Yet we continued to pray and seek the Lord.

Another year went by; Cambodia remained in the forefront of our thoughts, but seemed to be the last possibility.  Then, the unexpected happened. In late 1999 the Lord flung the door wide open, and in March 2000, our family, with baby number 10 on the way, boarded a plane and headed to Cambodia.

In the years since then, our family has grown.  We now have 14 children (4 of whom were born in S.E. Asia).  Additionally, we run Cosette’s Hope Children’s Home (CHCH), caring for 19 Cambodian children in our home and CHCH over the course of 18 years.

From that first journey in 1998 until today, the Lord has faithfully led, allowing us numerous opportunities to minister in Cambodia.  In addition to operating CHCH, our family has been involved in discipleship, church planting, and outreach to various communities and provinces in Cambodia.

Please pray for us as we continue to follow the Lord and serve in His name.

Grace and Peace to you,

John and Linda

For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake” ~ 2 Corinthians 4:5